Sunday, July 31, 2011

78 days to go - Liver Life Walk

Yesterday morning my walk took me to the Milwaukee Lakeshore. I participated in the 5k Liver Life Walk in honor of Kathy Gregovich, my brother-in-law's mom who is a 2-time liver transplant recipient. What a great way to support this worthy cause - a walk along the shoreline on a bright, sunny day with friends and family.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Summer's Finally Here!

What a difference it has made since the weather has finally warmed up and the sun has been shining. Everyone seems to be out walking and biking - sure makes those nightly treks more fun. I can definitely feel my stamina building up. Now if I could just convince Snickers not to be afraid of the bullfrogs in the creek (that's the only reason I can figure that she stops dead in her tracks every time we pass the same spot). Of course, since she's only 15 pounds, I've been known to simply pick her up until we get away from the evil amphibians. Funny though, she never has an issue passing them on the way back home...then it's full speed ahead :)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Really Need to Build Momentum

It's only 17 weeks until the event and I've really got to kick it into gear if I want to be serious about completing this goal. I know that if I follow the mileage that has been laid out for me and get serious about eating better, I have a chance to really advance more quickly. I'm determined that this is something I'm going to order to meet the commitment I've made to Team In Training, but also to meet the commitment I've made to myself to be a healthier, stronger individual.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Back on Track

Getting committed to this journey has been harder than I expected. I started off strong, but the cold rain-soaked spring in Wisconsin and more muscle and joint problems than I ever anticipated became tempting excuses to go at it sporadically at best. However, with a little more than four months to go, I'm back on my training schedule. Thankfully, the weather has also finally turned around and it's been a pleasure to be on the road the past week or so.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What A Way To Start - Walking the OC

If there's a way to kick off a marathon walk training program, it's got to be in Orange County, CA. It's the first week in May and I am walking in 75+ degree weather and enjoying yards filled with beautiful, fragrant flowers.

I found a great iPhone app that works as a GPS based pedometer...perfect for tracking my treks. Just wished it racked up those miles a little faster. I got in my required 3 miles, but it was a lot more challenging than I expected. However, in 24 weeks I know I am going to be able to look back and laugh when I'm crossing that 26.2 mile finish line.